Why this site?

There are many and varied classical concerts in and around Canberra, but no easy way to find out what is on when and where. With this site, I try to give as complete a listing as possible of the many amateur and small-scale professional classical music events in Canberra and surrounds. Focus is on concerts by local performers and groups, so concerts that are part of national and international tours may not be found here. The information is strictly limited to date, time, performers and concert title or brief description. For further information on exact programming, ticket prices, et cetera, click on the entry to go directly to the website of the performers.

If you want your concert to be included, or know of any concerts that are not listed yet, please fill out the form below. Include Date, Time, Location, Name of Performers, Title of Concert en Web Address and please follow the indicated formatting; the form will not work if you don't...sorry. If you don't have a web site that can be linked to or your browser does not show the form, or you have any other comments, please send an email to canberraconcerts @ gmail.com
I hope you will find this useful. Maartje Sevenster

Details of your concert, to be included on the listing :

Date of concert :

Time (eg 8.30pm, no colon):


Title and/or description of concert:

Webpage for further information (please list full address including http://) :

Your contact email: